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In this workflow I’m going to calculate estimated mean utilities expenditures for 2015 using integrated data by CU composition using the FAM_TYPE variable. In this case I’m going to start by looking at the codes for that variable to show how one might run into an inconsistency in code definitions across survey instruments.

I’ll need the following data and metadata sources:

  • Interview survey data zip files for 2015
  • Diary survey data zip files for 2015
  • Hierarchical grouping zip files
  • CE Data Dictionary

Data gathering

Data files can be downloaded from the CE PUMD Data Files page (it’s easiest to use CSV) and hierarchical grouping files can be downloaded from the CE PUMD Documentation page

To get the files I’ll first create a temporary directory and download all of the files that I need from the BLS website into this directory. You might choose to store your files differently, but this convention will keep the files organized, it will keep the code simple, and everything will be in a folder that will be easy to clean up after. Since the BLS blocks third party applications I’ll add a user-agent to identify myself in the download function that is stored in a variable called cepumd_ua (not shown).

ce_data_dir <- tempdir()

  fs::path(ce_data_dir, ""),
  mode = "wb",
  headers = list(
    "User-Agent" = cepumd_ua

  fs::path(ce_data_dir, ""),
  mode = "wb",
  headers = list(
    "User-Agent" = cepumd_ua

  fs::path(ce_data_dir, ""),
  mode = "wb",
  headers = list(
    "User-Agent" = cepumd_ua

  fs::path(ce_data_dir, "ce-data-dict.xlsx"),
  mode = "wb",
  headers = list(
    "User-Agent" = cepumd_ua

Exploring grouping variable code definitions

First, I’ll load the “Codes” worksheet from the CE Data Dictionary, which can be downloaded from the CE PUMD Documentation page. Then I’ll look at code descriptions for the “FAM_TYPE” variable in the dictionary and I’m going to focus on the code values of 3, 5, and 7.

ce_codes <- read_excel(
  file.path(ce_data_dir, "ce-data-dict.xlsx"),
  sheet = "Codes "

ce_codes |>
  janitor::clean_names() |>
    variable %in% "FAM_TYPE",
  first_year <= 2015,
  (last_year >= 2015 |,
  code_value %in% c("3", "5", "7")
  ) |>
  select(survey, code_value, code_description) |>
  arrange(code_value, survey) |>
survey code_value code_description
DIARY 3 Married couple, own children only, oldest child > 6, < 18
INTERVIEW 3 Married Couple, own children only oldest child >= 6, <= 17
DIARY 5 All other Married couple families
INTERVIEW 5 All other Husband and wife families
DIARY 7 One parent, female, own children, at least one age < 18
INTERVIEW 7 One parent, female, own children, at least one age < 18

The code descriptions for these 3 code values are different across instruments. To resolve this I’m going to create a table containing only codes from the Interview survey.

fam_type_codes <- ce_codes |>
  janitor::clean_names() |>
    variable %in% "FAM_TYPE",
    first_year <= 2015,
    (last_year >= 2015 |

codes2keep <- fam_type_codes |>
  filter(survey %in% "INTERVIEW") |>
  select(code_value, code_description)

fam_type_codes <- fam_type_codes |>
  select(-code_description) |>
  left_join(codes2keep, by = "code_value") |>
  relocate(code_description, .after = code_value)

fam_type_codes |>
  filter(code_value %in% c("3", "5", "7")) |>
  select(survey, code_value, code_description) |>
  arrange(code_value, survey) |>
survey code_value code_description
DIARY 3 Married Couple, own children only oldest child >= 6, <= 17
INTERVIEW 3 Married Couple, own children only oldest child >= 6, <= 17
DIARY 5 All other Husband and wife families
INTERVIEW 5 All other Husband and wife families
DIARY 7 One parent, female, own children, at least one age < 18
INTERVIEW 7 One parent, female, own children, at least one age < 18

Now the codes are consistent across survey instruments and I can use this code-book in my call to ce_prepdata() using the own_code_book argument.

Calculating CE weighted estimate means by CU composition

Next I’ll load the integrated hierarchical grouping file for 2015 and find the title for the utilities category.

integ15_hg <- ce_hg(
  hg_zip_path = file.path(ce_data_dir, "")

integ15_hg |>
  filter(str_detect(str_to_lower(title), "utilities")) |>
level title ucc survey factor
3 Utilities, fuels, and public services UTILS G 1

The expenditure category associated with utilities is “Utilities, fuels, and public services”. I’ll store that title to work with later and narrow down the section of the stub file that includes only these expenditures. I’ll use this title to filter out the UCC data from the stub file that make up the utilities category to check which survey these expenditures come from to calculate estimates.

utilities_title <- integ15_hg |>
  filter(str_detect(str_to_lower(title), "utilities")) |>

utilities_hg <- ce_uccs(
  expenditure = utilities_title,
  uccs_only = FALSE

level title ucc survey factor
3 Utilities, fuels, and public services UTILS G 1
4 Natural gas NATRLG G 1
5 Utility-natural gas (renter) 260211 I 1
5 Utility-natural gas (owned home) 260212 I 1
5 Utility-natural gas (owned vacation) 260213 I 1
5 Utility-natural gas (rented vacation) 260214 I 1
4 Electricity ELECTR G 1
5 Electricity (renter) 260111 I 1
5 Electricity (owned home) 260112 I 1
5 Electricity (owned vacation) 260113 I 1
5 Electricity (rented vacation) 260114 I 1
4 Fuel oil and other fuels OTHRFU G 1
5 Fuel oil FUELOI G 1
6 Fuel oil (renter) 250111 I 1
6 Fuel oil (owned home) 250112 I 1
6 Fuel oil (owned vacation) 250113 I 1
6 Fuel oil (rented vacation) 250114 I 1
5 Coal, wood, and other fuels CLWDOT G 1
6 Coal, wood, other fuels (renter) 250911 I 1
6 Coal, wood, other fuels (owned home) 250912 I 1
6 Coal, wood, other fuels (owned vacation) 250913 I 1
6 Coal, wood, other fuels (rented vacation) 250914 I 1
5 Bottled gas BOTTLG G 1
6 Gas, btld/tank (renter) 250211 I 1
6 Gas, btld/tank (owned home) 250212 I 1
6 Gas, btld/tank (owned vacation) 250213 I 1
6 Gas, btld/tank (rented vacation) 250214 I 1
4 Telephone services PHONE G 1
5 Residential phone service, VOIP, and phone cards RESPHO G 1
6 Phone cards 270104 I 1
6 Residential telephone including VOIP 270106 I 1
5 Cellular phone service 270102 I 1
4 Water and other public services WATER G 1
5 Water and sewerage maintenance SEWER G 1
6 Water/sewer maint. (renter) 270211 I 1
6 Water/sewer maint. (owned home) 270212 I 1
6 Water/sewer maint. (owned vacation) 270213 I 1
6 Water/sewer maint. (rented vacation) 270214 I 1
5 Trash and garbage collection TRASH G 1
6 Trash/garb. coll. (renter) 270411 I 1
6 Trash/garb. coll. (owned home) 270412 I 1
6 Trash/garb. coll. (owned vacation) 270413 I 1
6 Trash/garb. coll. (rented vacation) 270414 I 1
5 Septic tank cleaning SEPTAN G 1
6 Septic tank clean. (renter) 270901 I 1
6 Septic tank clean. (owned home) 270902 I 1
6 Septic tank clean. (owned vacation) 270903 I 1
6 Septic tank clean. (rented vacation) 270904 I 1

To check what survey instruments the expenditures are collected through for published estimates I’ll check what surveys are listed in the “survey” column of the hierarchical grouping data for utilities.

utilities_hg |> distinct(survey) |> gt()

It seems utilities expenditures are collected only through the Interview survey (the “G” stands for “UCC group”), so I’ll only need to use Interview data files to calculate estimates.

fam_type_utilities <- ce_prepdata(
  uccs = ce_uccs(utilities_hg, expenditure = utilities_title),
  int_zp = file.path(ce_data_dir, ""),
  recode_variables = TRUE,
  dict_path = file.path(ce_data_dir, "ce-data-dict.xlsx")
) |>
  group_nest(fam_type) |>
  mutate(ce_mean_df = map(data, ce_mean)) |>
  select(-data) |>

fam_type_utilities |>
  arrange(fam_type) |>
fam_type agg_exp mean_exp se cv
Married Couple only 122623482952 4378.377 76.25699 1.741673
Married Couple, own children only, oldest child < 6 21592090354 4073.529 241.48233 5.928087
Married Couple, own children only oldest child >= 6, <= 17 73899626502 5136.781 132.53306 2.580080
Married Couple, own children only, oldest child > 17 53687574363 5585.027 190.15164 3.404668
All other Husband and wife families 26767356778 5699.177 331.83382 5.822487
One parent, male, own children at least one age < 18 4647315390 3887.863 532.21229 13.689069
One parent, female, own children, at least one age < 18 22862016917 3684.480 237.12762 6.435851
Single consumers 88002147354 2348.182 40.59815 1.728919
Other families 84986387660 3942.345 122.97865 3.119429

And finally, a quick lollipop plot to visualize the data.

fam_type_utilities |>
  mutate(fam_type = fct_reorder(fam_type, mean_exp)) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = mean_exp, y = fam_type, mean_exp)) +
  geom_segment(aes(x = 0, xend = mean_exp, yend = fam_type)) +
  geom_point(color = "red", size = 5) +
  scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x) str_wrap(x, width = 25)) +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::dollar) +
    y = "CU composition (FAM_TYPE)",
    x = "Estimated, weighted, annual mean expenditure",
    title =
      "Estimated annual mean utilities expenditures by CU composition"
  ) +


Finally, now that the analysis is done, I’ll delete the temporary directory that contains all the CE data.

unlink(ce_data_dir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)